Achieve Labs After School Program Registration » AcHiEvE LaBs Registration

AcHiEvE LaBs Registration

Lab Date(s): 

Trimester 1- First Day, 8/22/22 - 11/04/22, Last Day (NO Labs 10/31/22)
Trimester 2- First Day, 11/07/22 - 2/24/23, Last Day
Trimester 3- First Day, 2/27/23 - 6/1/23, Last Day (NO Labs the last week of school, 6/5/23)
Lab Time: 
4:00pm to 5:15pm, LATE CHARGES ARE APPLIED STARTING AT 5:20pm at a rate of $5 a minute (FEES MUST BE PAID AT THE TIME THEY WERE INCURRED & BEFORE RETURNING TO LABS) NO EXCEPTIONS. If an Achiever is not picked up by 5:20pm, the Riverside County Sheriff is required to be contacted. PLEASE BE ON TIME!!!

Lab Details: 
Achieve Labs are the extracurricular options available to all Achievers After School. Achievers MUST have an interest and be registered in a Lab to stay After School. If an Achiever is not Registered for a Lab, they CANNOT be left After School due to minimal supervision. An Achiever may Register for as many Labs as they would like, as long as there is space. Additionally, there is one form Registration per Lab. Please complete a separate Registration for each Lab. 
To ensure equity, Achievers will be able to Register for a new Lab every Trimester or Re-Register for the same club. Registrations are open until all spots are filled. Should the Lab be closed due to full enrollment, Achievers may join the Waiting List found HERE.